
Showing posts from August, 2023

My New Skincare Routine

by Stephanie Sklar Close-up of a woman washing her face by Alena Darmel.  Attribution link: One thing you can bet on is that life is always changing and we need to change with it. In our quest for perfection, we’re always evolving and striving to be better human beings. Products come and go. Some no longer cut it. Some may need to be added. Some may need to be swapped out for a different version. The list goes on. Therefore, I’ve made several necessary revisions to what I use in my skincare regimen. Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10 Acne Spot Treatment, Maximum Strength , 1 ounce, $7.69 at Target: The salicylic acid in the Advantage Acne Spot Treatment, from the same brand, wasn’t cutting it. Due to a major lifestyle and medication change in 2019, my breakouts were horrible and stubborn and they enjoyed sticking around for two years. Then I purchased this spot treatment and they were gone. The gel also diminished

The Best Body Washes for Summer

Stephanie Sklar Calm woman washing in shower by Armin Rimoldi. Attribution link: Ah, summertime is upon us once again. I’ve always had a soft spot for this magical time of the year when the days are longer and the sun is out more often than not. When I was a kid and school was out, I’d ride my bike past the trees and lawns all covered in green. Like brushstrokes of paint, flowers in yellow, purple, red, and fuchsia would be peppered in between the lush greenery. Here are the body washes that evoke the nostalgia of such a time, wash away the stickiness of a day of playing hard outside, and leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed and ready for a good night’s sleep. Mario Badescu Citrus Body Cleanser , 8 ounces, $14.95 at Mario Badescu One whiff of this citrusy sweet scent, and I was transported to my mom’s birthplace, Brazil. The year was 1982 and I was four years old. I could see my feet through the clear and bright oce